The role of nursing in childbirth friendly care in Latin America: Jean Watson's theory of humanized care as a theoretical basis

Keywords: Childbirth, nursing, violence


This essay describes an overview of the situation in labor and delivery carried out in public and private hospitals in Latin America, with the main objective of describing the practice of labor and delivery provided by nursing professionals, since the findings in this documentary work show that there is a gap between the theory proposed by Watson and the reality in the prenatal process as well as in labor and postpartum. Consequently, there are still cases of violence by nursing staff, which leads to the existence of various factors such as lack of adequate equipment in quality and quantity, staff with the culture of medicalization to accelerate the delivery process, disinterest in the opinion and views of patients. In conclusion, we propose the necessary training of nursing personnel in national and international standards on the subject in order to achieve comprehensive care based on the woman.


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How to Cite
Becerra-Bolaños, M. G., Baltazar-Téllez, R. M., & Arias-Rico, J. (2023). The role of nursing in childbirth friendly care in Latin America: Jean Watson’s theory of humanized care as a theoretical basis. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 12(23), 111-116.

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