Diabetic Foot: Current Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies

  • Raquel Cariño-Cortés Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4776-3534
  • Alejandro Durán-Méndez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Daniela Sánchez-Montaño Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Diabetic foot, infection, classification, treatment


The diabetic foot is the result of neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, and other modifiable and non-modifiable factors. The diabetic foot is evidenced as infection, ulceration and destruction of the local tissues. The infection of the diabetic foot is an emergency because its symptoms and local or systemic signs are masked. It has been reported that there is a late or inadequate diagnosis in 80% of cases. Numerous classification systems have been established, as well as recommendations for their diagnostic and therapeutic approach, always adjusting to the individual needs of each patient. The goal of prevention and a good diagnosis is to avoid ischemia, infection and subsequent amputation with a predisposition to a decrease in the quality of life.



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How to Cite
Cariño-Cortés, R., Durán-Méndez, A., & Sánchez-Montaño, D. (2019). Diabetic Foot: Current Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies . Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 7(14), 88-94. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v7i14.4439

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