Effect of a Nursing Educational Intervention on the Level of Knowledge of the NIDCAP program

Keywords: Careful, NIDCAP, Premature, Intervention, Educational


There is a trend in the care of premature newborns called “Care focused on development and the family”, within which is the NIDCAP program involves medical and nursing interventions focused on  reducing the stress and suffering of the child, to promote neurological and emotional development and facilitate family integration. The present study aims to determine the effect of an educational intervention on the level of knowledge of the NIDCAP program in nursing personnel, using a quasi-experimental, quantitative, descriptive, longitudinal design. This study was made in Hospital Regional del Valle del Mezquital, where an evaluation instrument was applied regarding the NIDCAP program to 12 nurses from the NICU in different shifts. Prior to the implementation of the educational intervention, the nursing staff had a low level of knowledge; the post-test, the result was an improvement of knowledge into a higher level. Three months later, in the evaluation stage, the level of knowledge remained high. In conclusion, there was a significant effect of the educational intervention from the pre-test, post-test and the level of knowledge of the participants about the NIDCAP program.


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How to Cite
Ortíz-Mendoza, L. U., Baltazar-Téllez, R. M., Tapia-Garcia, A. B., López-Escudero, A. B., & Arias-Rico, J. (2021). Effect of a Nursing Educational Intervention on the Level of Knowledge of the NIDCAP program . Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(19), 132-135. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v10i19.7061

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