Spanish Factors that trigger hypertension in sixth semester psychology students

Keywords: Hypertension, factors, detection


According to the World Health Organization "hypertension, also known as high or elevated blood pressure, is a disorder in which the blood vessels have persistently high blood pressure, which can damage them."  This research aims to evaluate the factors involved in hypertension in students in the sixth semester psychology degree at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. Methodology; a quantitative study of descriptive correlational design was carried out, which took place in the academic area of psychology of the UAEH during the year 2020, the study population were sixth semester students. Results; The study sample consisted of 36 subjects of which 4 are male and 32 are female. 66.7% have family members with high blood pressure, 30.6% do not have family members with high blood pressure and 2.7% do not know if their family members have high blood pressure. Conclusion; Of 36 people surveyed 47% rarely attend a health check-up, 28% do not attend, being 25% of young people who do attend a medical check-up or control, so that young people are neglecting their health, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are factors that stand out most in the students of the psychology area to suffer from hypertension.


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How to Cite
Márquez Sánchez, N. de J., Hernández Islas, I. L., Juárez Navarro , C. M., Trejo Ramos, Y., Jiménez Sánchez, R. C., & Barrera Gálvez, R. (2022). Spanish Factors that trigger hypertension in sixth semester psychology students. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(20), 116-119.

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