Los derechos indígenas en salud, una visión y reto desde el profesional de la Enfermería

  • LG García Guillen Universidad La Salle Pachuca Hidalgo
  • SY Cortés Ascencio Universidad La Salle Pachuca Hidalgo
  • JC Ruvalcaba Ledezma Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: ONU, indigenous peoples, health, quality, warmth, challenge-nursing


Aim: To describe Articles 21, 24 and 31 of indigenous rights and the impact on practice and challenge professional nursing staff to promote the quality and warmth of health services. Materials and methods: Critical analysis considering the presence of indigenous peoples in various states of Mexico and indigenous’ rights are reflected in the articles 21, 24 and 31; in the declaration manifested by "The General Assembly of the ONU", where was approved the Declaration Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Results: Indigenous individuals have the right to improve their economic and social conditions, to maintain its traditional medicinal culture and preserve their cultural heritage in general to maintain a state of health by nursing self-care with quality and warmth. Conclusion: The theory about the human rights of indigenous peoples in health requires action challenging the professional nursing practice with quality and warmth.


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How to Cite
García Guillen, L., Cortés Ascencio, S., & Ruvalcaba Ledezma, J. (2014). Los derechos indígenas en salud, una visión y reto desde el profesional de la Enfermería. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 3(5). https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v3i5.790

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