Relationship between impulsivity, executive functioning, and academic achievement in college students

Keywords: Executive functions, impulsivity, academic achievement, personality


Dropping out of school and failing grades are a major problem for universities, students, and society in general. There are several factors associated with these problems, some of them social and others individual. Among the individual factors, personality traits have been highlighted. Impulsivity is a stable personality trait characterized by an increase in risky behaviours, poor decision making and a preference for immediate rewards over delayed ones. These deficits have been associated with suboptimal performance of executive functioning. In this regard, executive functions are the set of cognitive processes that coordinate behaviour, thoughts, and emotions to direct them to specific objectives or goals. Currently, deficits in organization, self-regulation, and planning, as well as excessive procrastination became evident in university students during the implementation of virtual classes due to COVID-19. The present work aims to analyse the relationship between impulsivity, executive functioning and variables associated with academic achievement. 101 students were assessed using the UPPS-P and BRIEF-A instruments. The results indicate that there is a significant correlation between impulsivity and executive dysfunction and both variables are associated with the grade obtained the previous semester, which indicates that students with better self-regulation skills have better grades. These results allow us to identify areas of opportunity for educational interventions focused on increasing academic achievement.


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How to Cite
Vázquez-Moreno, A., García-Reyes , Q. G., & Montes-Castro, E. E. (2022). Relationship between impulsivity, executive functioning, and academic achievement in college students. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 11(21), 16-22.