Conditioning concept in Behavior Science and Psychoanalysis: discussion between theories

Keywords: Psychoanalysis, behavior science, interbehaviorism, philosophy of science


In this essay, psychoanalysis and behaviour science approaches are presented in relation to their relevance as theoretical alternatives in the field of psychology. Each author argues in support of each approach. Against the general opinion, psychoanalysis does not oppose to basic notions of classical and operant conditioning.  If we stick to Freudian theory, both kinds of conditioning are included, for example, in trauma theory and pleasure principle. However, Freud incorporated other concepts that make more complex these notions and break the linearity through which they have been studied experimentally. Behavior science is another proposal to put order in the field of psychology relying on psychological behavior. In tries to reformulate phenomena that are usually associated to cognition and mind. Finally, questions are asked, which psychology should try to answer.


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How to Cite
Cisneros-Herrera, J., & Guzmán-Díaz, G. (2019). Conditioning concept in Behavior Science and Psychoanalysis: discussion between theories. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 6(11), 37-43.

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