Programs to innovation for smes at the crossroads of the administrative discontinuity

  • Ismael Acevedo Sánchez Universidad Tecnológica de Tula - Tepeji
  • Reyes Acevedo Sánchez Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Jilotepec
  • Alfredo Castillo Trejo Universidad Tecnológica de Tula - Tepeji
Keywords: Administrative discontinuity,, Innovation,, Program,, Plan.


This article describes the position of the following federal administration in relation to the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), to continue with the Program for the Promotion of Innovation (PFI) or to change to other types of strategies that foster the stimulus to innovation by the private sector, this situation is part of the debate that has been worked on administrative discontinuity (Peña, 1999), this concept is to ensure the institutional growth programs to transcend beyond the six-year terms. It is important to emphasize the subject of innovation of SMEs, because according to the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System SELA (2009), SMEs constitute more than 90% of companies in most countries of the world. In Latin America, empirical studies estimate that these contribute between 35% and 40% to the generation of employment in the region, 33% of GDP and 25% of investment. On the other hand, the Ministry of Economy in Mexico (2008), corroborates these results, to infer that in this area there are about 17 million formal companies, 95% microenterprises and 1.5 million small and medium, which contribute 40% of the employment, 33% of GDP and 25% of investment. Therefore, it is necessary to resume the projects related to the innovation of SMEs that have been developed in the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto and especially those that are contemplated in the National Development Plan of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.


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How to Cite
Acevedo Sánchez , I., Acevedo Sánchez , R., & Castillo Trejo, A. (2019). Programs to innovation for smes at the crossroads of the administrative discontinuity. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 6(12), 6-8.