Subjectivity, social and political ties

  • Hilda Blanco Paredes Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Politics,, mutual help,, poverty,, masses,, huachicol,, behavior.


The tragedy aroused in the community of san primitivo, municipality of Tlauelilpan hidalgo. Nos leads us to rethink about the importance of human behavior and the relationship that various authors raise about the psychology of the masses, the behavior modification that is generated, is to say how the behavior of the subject is influenced by the collective groups as it is that they are infected by the behavior of others, just repeating it without questioning their actions. Generating unfortunate consequences


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How to Cite
Blanco Paredes , H. (2019). Subjectivity, social and political ties. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 6(12), 30-32.

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