Evaluation of a psycho-socio-educational program for men who exert violence, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. March 2021

Keywords: Gender violence, Social problems, PES programs, Currency exchange, Public policies, Efficiency evaluation, Group dynamic


A one-year psycho-social-educational program for abusive men developed between the years 2004/2009 in a suburban neighborhood
of Buenos Aires, was assessed in order to determine it´s efficacy. The assessment was based on individual interviews with the abusive
men and separately with their couples (when possible) in the middle (six months) and at the end of the program (twelve months). The
features of this intervention model will be explained along with the conclusions of a small sample of such assessment. It will
emphasize the cooperative relationship with the clients and also the individual differences in achieving the goals of the program.


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How to Cite
Payarola, M. A. (2021). Evaluation of a psycho-socio-educational program for men who exert violence, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. March 2021. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 8(16), 38-42. https://doi.org/10.29057/esa.v8i16.7465