The use of a multicriteria aggregation technique in process measurement: the design of an innovation index

Keywords: innovation, index, multicriteria, aggregation, process


Measuring and evaluating the technical and economic efficiency of a productive process is crucial to establish economic and financial aspects to continue with the productive activity or make pertinent changes. Innovation is essential for the success and competitiveness of companies, this implies updating and improving processes, products or services. The creation of an index that allows the measurement of the innovation system of the organization using multicriteria aggregation techniques is proposed. This would make it possible to identify the elements of the company's innovation system and promote activities and tools for its development. Innovation is perceived as a process that has elements within the system, which can be identified and described, but cannot be directly measured. Boly's thirteen fundamental innovation practices will be used, as they cover an organization's internal and external processes to achieve innovation.


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How to Cite
Corona-Armenta, J. R., Montaño-Arango, O., Martínez-Muñoz, E., Rivera-Anaya, M., & Rivera-Gómez, H. (2023). The use of a multicriteria aggregation technique in process measurement: the design of an innovation index. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial3), 133-138.

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