Elaboration of coffee drinks

Keywords: Coffee, service, consumption


The consumption of coffee in Mexico has been of great importance in the country due to the quality in its production, as well as the organoleptic characteristics that derive from the conditions of the soil and the climate of the different regions where it is cultivated, turning to Mexico in one of the world's leading producers.


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Martínez, U. (2016). La historia del café en México. Asociación Mexicana de Cafés y cafeterias de especialidad. México.

Tellez, L. (2016). Historia cultural del consumo de café en México. Universidad Veracruzana. Xalapa de Enriquez; México.

Monroy, M. (2004). ¿Qué hay de trás de una taza de café? Datos básicos sobre café en México. México.

Lagorce, S. (2009). Café. Mallorca, Barcelona : Larousse .

How to Cite
Vázquez Hernández, A., & Loaiza Díaz , A. (2020). Elaboration of coffee drinks. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 8(16), 50-51. https://doi.org/10.29057/icea.v8i16.5751

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