Substantive representation of women in the Congress of Guanajuato: three legislatures in a context of parity

Keywords: Substantive representation, Women's interests, Congress of Guanajuato


The results presented here come from studying the substantive representation of women in the Guanajuato congress during two legislatures following the political-electoral parity reform of 2014, based on the analysis of the initiatives approved by opinion by type of promoters (female deputies, deputies, or parliamentary group) to identify issues in favor of women prioritized on legislative agendas. It was found that the interests of women are not a priority in the Guanajuato congress as none of the approved initiatives had the purpose of disrupting the gender regime on which institutions are built, including the congress itself. Besides the female deputies, the Parliamentary groups also represent women's interests.


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How to Cite
Chávez Arteaga, L. (2024). Substantive representation of women in the Congress of Guanajuato: three legislatures in a context of parity . Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 12(24), 67-73.