The cultural spatiality of risk: construction of approaches for analysis and reflection

  • Adriana Lucia Trejo Albuerne Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • Bonnie Lucía Campos Cámara Universidad de Quintana Roo
Keywords: Geography, Cultural spatiality, Risk, Proposal


This essay addresses a reflection that arises from the concern to know the specific weight of the relationship between space and culture to the phenomena associated with the different risk scenarios. Considering an approximation from an integral vision through different types of spaces, the cultural spatiality of risk will be called where an emphasis is placed on the sociocultural construction of risk. A proposal will be made from a multidisciplinary approach that requires reading from a community that, contains multiple visions and perceptions of the same phenomenon: risk. With the above, it is intended to open a debate or initial reflections on the incidence and relevance that it would have in its application in a given space and experiment in other territorial proposals that help mitigate pre-existing risks and not generate new ones in the territories.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Lucia Trejo Albuerne, Universidad de Quintana Roo

Bachelor and Master in Geography from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, PhD student in Geography at the University of Quintana Roo. Professor in the Postgraduate Certificate in Planning for Local Development, Territorial Planning and Risk Management, Florida International University OFDA / USAID and the University of Quintana Roo. Guest professor in the project: “Building resilience at the local level. Mendoza Province, Argentina ”, director Silvia Graciela Quiroga, Secretariat of Research, International and Postgraduate, National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina

Bonnie Lucía Campos Cámara , Universidad de Quintana Roo

Full-time Research Professor "B". Division of Political Science and Humanities of the University of Quintana Roo, Mexico, National Researcher Level 1 of CONACYT 2009-2020. (SNI 1) PROMEP Profile 2019-2021 Coordinator / Leader of the Consolidated Academic Body Geography and Geomatics. Doctor in Geography. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. National Autonomous University of Mexico. Member of the Academic Committee of the Doctorate in Geography. University of Quintana Roo, Chetumal Unit. Member of the International Network of Researchers in Tourism, Cooperation and Development. University of Rovira and Virgil, University School of Tourism and Leisure, Tarragona. Spain. Citizen Advisor of the Strategic Projects Agency of the Government of the State of Quintana Roo (2018-2023). Research lines: Formation and organization of socio-economic spaces and Methodologies and techniques applied to the analysis of the territory


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How to Cite
Trejo Albuerne, A. L., & Campos Cámara , B. L. (2019). The cultural spatiality of risk: construction of approaches for analysis and reflection. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 8(15), 29-36.