Reference for the articulation of teaching and research about professional ethics and university social responsibility

Book Review: Professional Ethics and University Social Responsibility: Institutional Experiences.

Keywords: Professional ethics, university social responsibility, university education


This paper is the review of the book “Professional ethics and university social responsibility: university experiences” coordinated by Ana Hirsch Adler and Judith Pérez Castro, which integrates five thematic axes: ethical challenges in teacher education, professional ethics and excellence from the university teaching staff, university social responsibility for inclusion, social responsibility, sustainable development and elements of civic ethic. The reflexions, experiences and research results are presented in 17 chapters performed by academics from Mexico, Latin America and Europe. Among its purposes it arises the articulation of two thematic fields: professional ethics and university social responsibility through the academic and research work that will allow the reader to ponder on teaching and investigation


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Author Biography

Gabriela Croda, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP)

PhD in Educational Research from the University of Alcalá, Spain. Master in Education from the Anahuac University and Bachelor of Pedagogy from the Cristóbal Colón University. She is currently Director of the Doctorate in Education and the Master in Innovation and Educational Quality of the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla (UPAEP). His line of research focuses on innovation and educational quality. Teacher at the undergraduate and graduate level in the areas of curriculum development and innovation, academic quality management and educational research. Member of the academic body: Ethics and self-regulation of the educational process, at UPAEP. Collaborator of the research group: University and school of the University of Alcalá in Alcalá de Henares, Spain. Member of the National Network of Researchers in Education and Values (REDUVAL) and Candidate for Associate Member of the Mexican Council for Educational Research (COMIE).


Hirsch Adler, A. y Pérez-Castro Judith (coords.) (2015) Ética profesional y responsabilidad social universitaria: experiencias institucionales. México: IISUE, UNAM
How to Cite
Croda, G. (2020). Reference for the articulation of teaching and research about professional ethics and university social responsibility. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 8(16), 60-64.