Guidelines for judicial inculcation in the accusatory system

Keywords: Criminal judges, accusatory system, judicial habitus, legal education


This article presents results of an investigation based on face-to-face interviews with criminal judges and other officials of the justice system, in northern and central Mexico, about their experiences in the old procedural model, in the current accusatory system and in the transition Between both. The article collects, analyzes and interprets the informants' reflections on the way of being of the judges, their patterns of thought, perception and action and their daily practices. Likewise, information is presented on the way in which judges represent their education in university classrooms and in judicial schools and on the way in which their perspective has conditioned their performance and the configuration of their habitus. Finally, the guidelines that, in the opinion of these legal operators, should be followed in the training of judges for a better exercise of their function in the accusatory system are exposed.


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How to Cite
López Ugalde, J. A. (2022). Guidelines for judicial inculcation in the accusatory system. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 10(20), 1-15.