Las brechas del discurso: del sexismo de nota roja a la violencia de género. Análisis de discurso con perspectiva de género de tres casos de nota roja en los diarios: El Metro y El Universal

  • Azul Kikey Castelli Olvera Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Discouse analysis, sexism, gender-based violence, journalism


The objective of this paper is to make visible, through discourse analysis with gender perspective, the differential treatment which is given in the speech of red-top journalism to men and women and how this can be considered as gender-based violence in accordance with the principles here argued. The research questions, objectives, assumptions and theoretical framework are presented in this report, which part from the discourse as a fundamental element in the formation of gender identity, as well as the typology of violence that the General Law of access for women to a Life Free of Violence provides and the proposal for the symbolic violence term that Pierre Bourdieu coined.

Reiterating the categories of analysis by Oswald Ducrot and Daniel Prieto Castle, an analysis of three red-tops is performed: "Mataviejitas" case, "Cumbres" case, and the case of "El Sádico", incorporating to the model the four elements of the genre that American theorist Joan Scott proposes for the analysis of generic identity.


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How to Cite
Castelli Olvera, A. K. (2014). Las brechas del discurso: del sexismo de nota roja a la violencia de género. Análisis de discurso con perspectiva de género de tres casos de nota roja en los diarios: El Metro y El Universal. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 2(4).