The Evaluation of the Progressive Profile as a Tool in the Measurement of Necessary Competences in the EGEL-TUR

Keywords: EGEL, Bachelor's degree, Bachelor of Tourism, CENEVAL


Currently, all graduates of the Bachelor of Tourism from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH) take the Examen General de Egreso de la Licenciatura en Turismo (EGEL-TUR, 2015), which is a test of national coverage that evaluates the level of knowledge and academic skills necessary to start in the professional practice of recent graduates of the degree, likewise this item is considered as an indicator of impact within the external evaluation that is carried out by Comités Interinstitucionales para la Evaluación de la Educación Superior (CIEES), considered in axis 4 of results category 8 results of the students where it is mentioned that the results of the graduates in evaluations carried out and applied by institutions external to the training institution have the characteristic objectively evaluate training according to a national parameter, since they are a reference for comparison of the d performance of graduates in different generations and with respect to others from various educational institutions within the region and in the country (CIEES, 2020). In addition, in some institutions it is an additional option to graduate or obtain a degree, as is the case of the UAEH.

For this reason, it is extremely important to detect the real causes of these, which may be the academic performance of the students, the coverage of the Educational Program (EP), the efficiency in the development of the courses, or even for unknown reasons, so the strategies that have been considered put into action are expected to help improve student performance, strengthen the educational program (PE), increase terminal efficiency (ET) and propose a plan to strengthen academic bodies and improve, in consequently, the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.


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(DGE), D. G.-U. (02 de 2022). Resultados EGEL-TUR ESTi-UAEH. Hidago , México .

CENEVAL. (2021). Guía para el sustentante · Examen General para el Egreso de la Licenciatura en Turismo · EGEL Plus TUR. México: CENEVAL.

CIEES. (2020). Informe de CIEES . CIEES.

EGEL–TUR, C. T. (10 de Septiembre de 2015). CENEVAL. Obtenido de

How to Cite
Carrizal Alonso, A. M., Benítez Leal, F., Gayosso Mexia, S., & Muñoz Ibáñez, C. A. (2022). The Evaluation of the Progressive Profile as a Tool in the Measurement of Necessary Competences in the EGEL-TUR. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 8(15), 19-24.

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