Resignify life after the Pandemic and Post-confinement. System of religious beliefs, spirituality, faith and mental health in young people from Hidalgo: A study in music students from the Institute of Arts of the UAEH, Hidalgo

Keywords: Religiosity, Spirituality, Faith, Youth, Mental Health


The purpose of this research work is to review and analyze the processes of resignification of life in young people during the period of pandemic and confinement through a study carried out at the Institute of Arts of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. It is worth mentioning that the research process was recovered through 6 life stories of students where the categories of sociocultural analysis were developed based on the religiosity, spirituality and faith of the interviewees. Another factor that influenced the resignification and construction of these new meanings was the mental health of young people, since cases were identified in which young people were affected by their mental health due to confinement, the religious crisis, spiritual and faith, however, this did not affect these new social meanings that students relate between their practice of faith, religion and their mental health.


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How to Cite
Peña Guajardo, F. O., & Enciso González, J. (2022). Resignify life after the Pandemic and Post-confinement. System of religious beliefs, spirituality, faith and mental health in young people from Hidalgo: A study in music students from the Institute of Arts of the UAEH, Hidalgo. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 8(Especial), 26-32.

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