Gestionar los pueblos turísticos: México y Francia, sus experiencias
Tourism as an alternative is here to stay in contemporary economies, which have put in value complete cities and small towns. On these last territories, two cases are studied: Magical Towns and The Most Beautiful Villages of France. Much has been discussed about the effectiveness and efficiency of the Pueblos Mágicos program in Mexico. The recent decline in its federal budget is a sign that it has been in question for several years. Of the strongest criticisms that have been made, the one referring to the alteration of heritage stands out as well as its negative impact on the cultural and natural in the settlements where it has been applied. Such indications have been omitted by the official instances and by inhabitants of the Magic Town in question, because they prioritize the economic spillover. Thus, to orient ourselves on what to do to solve this problem, it is very useful to compare what solutions have been taken by other countries that pose the same problem. In this work, we make a comparison of the French program and the Mexican programm. Among the most notable differences, we note that in France the programme in question is financed by private initiative, which is why it does not represent a burden on the State's finances; they have other criteria of care for heritage and this program, due to its advantages, has been extended to a certain number of countries even outside Europe.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Jesús Enciso González, Francisco Omar Peña Guajardo
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.