Impact of the “Festival de luz y vida”. An analysis of intangible heritage in the community of Chignahuapan (2016-2019)

Keywords: Magic Towns, Festivals, Sustainable Development


Chignahuapan is one of the nine Magical Towns of the state of Puebla, which has been characterized by offering different alternatives and tourist activities, coupled with this town stands out as a community producing Christmas ornaments that has captured hundreds of visitors annually to the Feria Nacional del Árbol y la Esfera. In November the day of the dead is celebrated in Mexico, so this town has managed to preserve the story about the road to Mictlán, which is a Mexican belief about the underworld, which bears the name Festival de la Luz y de la Vida, this event has become popular since the appointment of Chignahuapan as a Magic Town since it has had a great acceptance by the national and international public, at the same time the number of visitors has increased considerably during the last years. This research aims to measure whether the Festival of Light and Life has been favorable for the host community economically, it is also important to analyze the impact on the sustainable development of this community and its relationship with the entrance to the Magic Peoples program.


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How to Cite
Galindo Yepez, A. T., López Fernández, G., Gayosso Mexia, S., Carrizal Alonso, A. M., & Benitez Leal, F. (2020). Impact of the “Festival de luz y vida”. An analysis of intangible heritage in the community of Chignahuapan (2016-2019). Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 5(10), 28-32.

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