The implementation of ICTs in the English language classroom in a Latin American university


This investigation was carried out in Mexico in the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH) with the purpose of exploring and analyzing to what extent the English teaching practices at the tertiary level involve the use of ICTs. Through and electronic survey, the opinions of 50 teachers of English at the UAEH were analyzed. The results showed that ICTs play an essential role in language teaching and they also have a significant field presence. However, despite their importance, ICTs are not being fully incorporated in the university and we are still not getting the most of it. The methodology for the initial phase of the project was a questionnaire. The qualitative part included a case study method that explore specific cases. For this stage, semi-structured interviews were carried out with key participants chosen from the information gathered in the questionnaires. The third source of data includes the analysis of the documents that make up the legal framework in reference to the implementation of ICTs in the teaching of a foreign language.


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