The importance and influence of the English language within the scientific field

Schlagworte: Impact, science, communication, translation, grammar


Through the years, English language has evolved and dominated many forms of communication which it has allowed to emerge as one of the most important languages around the world, it has generated a great impact in the world and has served as a fundamental tool for the communication internationally, since it has allowed society to have greater communication, but most of all, in the field of science, an international expansion has been generated. Despite the fact that most countries do not have English language as their mother tongue, with the advancement of technology, the number of non-native people who speak English has increased, allowing them to publish their most recent findings around the world. Therefore, this review compiles information to publish the impact that the English language has generated at an international level in the field of science. So it was found that nowadays there are different tools and strategies that facilitate the process of writing in an appropriate way.


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