Attitudes, motivation and learning strategies in students of third languages

Keywords: attitudes, motivation, learning strategies, third language acquisition, plurilingualism


This study focused on exploring the degree of motivation, types of attitudes and use of learning strategies by A1 and B1 students of German, French, Italian, Japanese and Portuguese as third languages. The participants, whose first language is Spanish, and English is their second language, were 183 students at the Santo Tomas Teaching Centre of Foreign Languages (CENLEX-UST) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), who answered a questionnaire based on the instruments MAALE (Minera, 2010) and SILL (Oxford, 1989). The results indicate that students have a high degree of motivation, especially intrinsic, and a very good attitude towards themselves as learners, and towards foreign languages. It was also found that they made ample use of cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and social learning strategies. The use of memorization and compensatory strategies was less frequent. The results show that the use of strategies is driven by the characteristics of the target language, previous language learning experiences, and learners’ competence. These results have implications regarding the specific teaching needs of third language learners with the aim of developing plurilingual abilities in the long run.


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How to Cite
Briones-Jurado, L. E. (2023). Attitudes, motivation and learning strategies in students of third languages. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 4(8), 53-63.