Films et séries, des outils à valoriser dans le processus enseignement apprentissage en classe de FLE

Keywords: French foreign language, cinema, series, didactic uses, interculturality


A relatively recent international trend within new massive cultural practices is the predominance and democratization of audiovisual
streaming platforms; one of the current challenges of teaching is to approach these new tools and contents. Series and movies are
very accessible current pedagogical resources that can easily be integrated in French as a foreign language classes. On any
audiovisual platform, a variety of French-language series and fiction or non-fiction films are available in the original language.
These cultural audiovisual products therefore become an attractive pedagogical resource for the students and allow us to bring our
learners closer to an authentic document in cultural and linguistic immersion in addition to going beyond traditional learning and
fostering the development of cultural and intercultural competences. It also allows the students to leave traditional learning for an
unstructured one that is related to social life and hobbies. With the aforementioned in mind, the introduction of these types of
contents is intended to increase intrinsic motivation and to encourage more interest in the language from the learners. Relying on
materials close to our audiences creates more bonds with them, anchors the contents to their own reality, and fosters their own self-
learning of the language.


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How to Cite
Marochian, M. I. (2023). Films et séries, des outils à valoriser dans le processus enseignement apprentissage en classe de FLE. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 4(8), 72-80.