The cartel in Italian teaching: a new way to work

Keywords: Cartel, foreign language teaching, class dynamics, strategies


Within the school psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan founded to transmit psychoanalysis a new working device called the cartel was born. Lacan proposes it for both theoretical as well as clinical work by the analysts within his school.

This paper comes from a research that intends to transfer the cartel into the foreign languages teaching and learning field, taking into consideration the contributions this device can make to the field and, at the same time, considering how it would have to be adjusted when applied to a new class dynamics.

Thus, addressing the conceptualization of the cartel and the way it is carried out within the psychoanalytic scene is proposed to be undertaken as a first step. Secondly, the cartel will be compared with the modern models of collaboration, cooperation small groups and teams, as well as the methodological focuses used nowadays in the foreign languages courses. Later on, the meeting points, as well as the contributions the cartel might introduce will be presented. Lastly, some of the results from the experiences obtained in this research will be shown with the intention of making evident the relevance and scope this working device could have within the foreign language teaching field.



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How to Cite
Miranda Garibay, J. de D., Pluvinet, D., & Rico Cruz, M. D. L. (2019). The cartel in Italian teaching: a new way to work. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 1(1), 21-26.