Perceptions in Time Management between Cultures

An approach to the topic: Mexican Spanish

Keywords: Time management, cultural perceptions, Mexican Spanish, Interculturality


The use of the diminutive is characteristic in some time expressions in Spanish as a product of social convention and while the same social convention does not seem to have attributed a temporal reference to such expressions that make sense in a deferred and subjective way in interpersonal relations between fellow country people, its use in interpersonal relations with foreigners is more complex and confusing. Given this linguistic-cultural, here are the results of a qualitative research with respect to the use of expressions of time including the

use of the diminutives in Spanish; considering the perceptions of Mexicans and foreigners in our context.

Key words: time expressions, diminutive, perceptions, Mexicans, foreign people


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How to Cite
Contreras Asturias, C. C., & Longerstay-Perwez, B. (2021). Perceptions in Time Management between Cultures. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 2(4), 9-13.