Identities in the migrant classroom of Tapachula by Haitian children

Keywords: Intercultural education, Migrant classrooms, Identity, Educational ethnography


Borders are social spaces in which social phenomena are presented with very particular characteristics that, seen and analyzed from various disciplines, highlight cultural, linguistic and social aspects and result in different worldviews of a society. In this sense, the transnational migration of Tapachula has influenced the constant and vertiginous transformation of the imaginary and the social representation of the area; and as a result, the growing cultural and social diversity resulting from this phenomenon poses new challenges and questions for this society that are directly reflected in the educational space. From social anthropology, this paper aims to observe the identities that converge (or are represented) in a classroom in which migrant children of Haitian origin participate. Finally, to understand these changes and answer some of the possible questions that may arise about it, this article presents the findings found throughout an ethnographic work with which, through the voices of our participants, we explore the constant construction of identity in migrant classrooms and its relationship with social changes in the region.


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Author Biography

Eyder Gabriel Sima Lozano, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


Eyder Gabriel Sima Lozano has a Ph.D. in Anthropology from UNAM, a degree in Hispanic Literature and a Master's in Applied Linguistics from the University of Guadalajara. He is a professor-researcher at the Faculty of Languages ​​of the UABC, Campus Ensenada. His lines of research address sociolinguistic, pragmatic, and argumentative studies.


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How to Cite
Fong Ochoa, A. J., & Sima Lozano, E. G. (2022). Identities in the migrant classroom of Tapachula by Haitian children. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 4(7), 45-57.