Discursive analysis of the popular story Haciendo tejuino, traditional in the wixárika language and culture

##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.29057/lc.v4i8.10596
Mots-clés: wixárika, Discursive analysis, rhetorical structure, literary genre, popular story


From a discursive analysis, this study is presented in which the features and characteristics of the discourse of popular Wixárika literature are investigated. Our objective is to describe the discursive elements that are part of the linguistic-literary characteristics of this culture located in the north of the State of Jalisco. We stop in a particular way to recognize the elements of the structure of the discursive genre from the perspective of the specialized discursive genre in the field of literature. In this analysis we are mainly concerned with rhetorical structure, positioning and ideology. In our approach to this genre, we take as a starting point the fact that there are elements that make up the discursive construction of the genre, going through the narrative action and the explicit manifestation of positioning and ideology that reproduce factors of knowledge and culture. . The acceptance of this new way of analyzing and understanding the discourses of this community can generate a change of perspective in language studies, in literature, in the social sciences and, in general, in the humanities.




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