Technological development in industrial revolutions

Keywords: Industrial revolutions, Industry 4.0, manufacturing systems


The 18th century became the witness of the first efforts of the industrial revolution; it was defined as a revolution due to its groundbreaking or disruptive nature. Besides, it was associated with the term industry since the energy source went from humans to different tools and machinery. From that moment to the present date, humanity has divided social-economic-technological development into four important epochs, known as industrial revolutions. This document aims to provide a general description of the technological evolution that has taken place in these four stages of human development through a qualitative description of a bibliographic and documentary nature to identify how manufacturing systems have evolved throughout the weather. The results reveal that the first industrial revolution has been linked to steam engines. The second revolution has been associated with electricity for assembly lines and mass production. The third revolution has been related to the computer technologies that make up automation. Finally, the fourth industrial revolution has been the massive implementation of accumulated industrial innovations and systemic transformations in the industry due to its ability to develop cyber-physical systems with advanced technologies, which translates into profound changes in logistics and manufactured products. Also, eliminating a large part of the human being in the production systems is foreseen, ensuring the complete automation of the production process.


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How to Cite
González-Hernández, I. J., Armas-Alvarez, B., Coronel-Lazcano, M., Maldonado-López, N., Vergara-Martínez, O., & Granillo-Macías, R. (2021). Technological development in industrial revolutions. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 8(16), 41-52.

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