Factors that affect school dropout

Keywords: Desertion, possible causes, investigation


This research aims to determine the factors that affect school dropout in the industrial engineering (IE) career of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH), Tepeji del Río Higher School (ESTeR).  To do this, a validated measuring instrument was generated with the Cronbach Alpha tool, a 5-point Likert scale was used, through a pilot survey that allowed the sample to be calculated. 58 questionnaires were applied in the 9 semesters of the race. The reasons identified were: engineering students are studying and working at the same time and sometimes opt for work, there is a lack of motivation in subjects by teachers, students do not enter classes, there is no coherence in the topics taught and those identified in the curriculum. In this way, this research was able to determine the factors influencing the dropout of 208 (IE) students, so that authorities can make relevant decisions to reduce dropout rates. The studio has the ability to support top-level school authorities to recognize the possible causes of dropout they have in their schools and for the community that requires guidance from this article.


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How to Cite
Ruiz-Ramírez, L. R., García-Vargas, M. de L. E., Molina-Ruiz, H. D., & Reyes-Ruiz, G. (2021). Factors that affect school dropout. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 8(15), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.29057/estr.v8i15.6440

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