Natural History of Disease: Measles

Keywords: Natural History of Disease, Measles, Leavell and Clarck, Ecological Triad, Levels of prevention


The Natural History of the Disease is the process of its evolution, from the interaction of the causal agent with the host and the environment (ecological triad) to its resolution, without medical intervention. In 1965 Leavell and Clark designed a model to graphically represent this development and related it to levels of prevention. In this representation two periods are identified, the prepathogenic period that is related to the ecological triad and the pathogenic period that includes the subclinical and clinical phase, in which physiological alterations occur in the organism to conclude with the resolution of the disease through of recovery, chronicity or death.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Martínez, D. V., & García-Rivera , Z. L. (2022). Natural History of Disease: Measles. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(18), 63-64.
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