Emotional Intelligence in University Students

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, university, nursing and emotional intelligence, emotions and health


Studying at the university level in the modern world is not as easy as it seems. The challenges, the tensions of modern life, the continuous globalization of knowledge in the individual, student, professional, labor field, the pressure of the clock, are situations that respond to an alter the emotional state of the majority of students, taking them on the edge of their own physical and psychic limits. Objective.- To determine the level of emotional intelligence in nursing students of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, July-December semester of 2018. Methodology.- A descriptive study is carried out with a population of 316 nursing students during the semester of July -December 2018, those who agreed to collaborate with the research, however, obtained reliable results from 265 surveys. Results.- Of the 265 participants, corresponds to the female gender 214 and to the male gender 51 people. The surveys counted as 134 elements grouped into five factors that integrate emotional intelligence; From this, the factor III Emotional advantage, is the aspect of high score. Conclusion.- In the present study it is concluded that most of the students of the Nursing Degree of the Institute of Health Sciences present a level of Emotional Intelligence Media, which favors that students achieve a fuller personality, a To be a competent and quality professional


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How to Cite
Barrera-Gálvez, R., Solano-Pérez, C., Arias-Rico, J., Jaramillo-Morales, O., & Jiménez-Sánchez, R. (2019). Emotional Intelligence in University Students. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 7(14), 50-55. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v7i14.4437

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