Effect of an educational intervention on fifth-year primary school children with overweight and obesity

Keywords: Scholars, Obesity, overwight-educational intervention


In Mexico and Hidalgo occupy the first place worldwide in childhood obesity, the World Health Organization, 2017 states that the promotion of healthy diets and regular physical activity are essential factors in the fight against the epidemic of childhood obesity. Methodology.- a quantitative, correlational, quasi-experimental, (pre-post), longitudinal study was carried out, the correct identification of the dish of good eating was evaluated, as well as physical activity, knowledge about the complications of overweight, obesity and obesity. Change of BMI after intervention. Results.- In physical activity, soccer is the sport most played by schoolchildren and there is an increase in post intervention of 5.91%. In the pre-intervention, 82.35% did physical activity and in the post-intervention it increased to 88.24%. According to the pre-intervention results, it was obtained that only 17.65% of school children correctly identify the plate of good eating, after intervention it was obtained that 88.24% of the schoolchildren learned to correctly identify them, the BMI of the 35 schoolchildren was that the 17.10% presented low weight, 34.30% healthy weight, 31.40% were overweight and 17.20% had obesity. Post Intervention to the 17 schoolchildren with overweight and obesity was obtained that 64.70% presented healthy weight, 23.50% overweight and 11.80% presented. Conclusions.- There is a statistically significant effect in the intervention carried out on schoolchildren with overweight and obesity in the reduction of BMI.


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How to Cite
Baltazar Téllez, R. M., Martínez Francisco, A., Ramírez Moreno, E., Arias Rico, J., Guevara Cabrera, R. M., Barrera Gálvez, R., Hernández Hernández, C. E., & López Escudero, A. B. (2019). Effect of an educational intervention on fifth-year primary school children with overweight and obesity. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 8(15), 180-183. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v8i15.4801

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