Recommendations for the consumption of non-caloric sweeteners. Based on regulatory standards or scientific evidence?

Keywords: Non-caloric sweeteners, non-nutritive sweeteners, weight control, energy intake


Given the increasing global prevalence of overweight and obesity, the total or partial replacement of sugars in the food industry by low-calorie sweeteners had as its main motivation the decrease in the energy intake of sugary foods and beverages, in order to reduce energy intake and contribute to weight loss. Current evidence suggests that consumption of non-caloric sweeteners may have a beneficial effect on weight control, however experts admit that further research is necessary to ensure the existence of a positive effect on human health. This work provides the reader, especially nutritionists and doctors, with updates to improve selection criteria and / or recommendations for the use of non-caloric sweeteners.


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How to Cite
Hidalgo Silva, D., Galván, M., González Unzaga, M., & Olivo Ramírez, D. P. (2020). Recommendations for the consumption of non-caloric sweeteners. Based on regulatory standards or scientific evidence? . Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 8(16), 38-41.

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