Risky eating behaviors and body dissatisfaction in secondary school adolescents: the role of sex and school location

Keywords: Risky Eating Behaviors, body dissatisfaction, adolescents, sex, secondary education


Among adolescents, the interaction between risky eating behaviors (REB) and body dissatisfaction could negatively impact their physical and psychological health, so their timely identification is required. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the association between REB and body dissatisfaction in secondary school adolescents. With a non-experimental design, a non-probabilistic sample of 109 adolescents participated (age range of 13-15 years; M = 13; SD = .59, years), 51 (46.8%) were men and 58 (53.2 %) women, enrolled to two public high schools located in two different geographical areas (SecA and SecB) of Pachuca, Hgo., who, after informed consent from their parents, answered the Eating Attitudes Questionnaire-26 and the Body Image Questionnaire (EAT-26 and BSQ, respectively). Significant associations were found between the EAT-26 and the BSQ, however, women and SecB students presented associations of greater magnitude, compared with men and with SecA students, (rs = .55 vs. .53; .62 vs. .38; p <.05). It is concluded that, in adolescents, the greater the practice of CAR, the greater the body dissatisfaction, but mainly in women and in high school students that are far from the downtown area of ​​Pachuca, Hgo. Therefore, psychological interventions are required to take care this population preventively


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How to Cite
Vargas-Almendra, R., Bautista-Díaz, M. L., & Romero Palencia, A. (2021). Risky eating behaviors and body dissatisfaction in secondary school adolescents: the role of sex and school location. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 9(18), 11-19. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v9i18.6571

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