The consumption of legumes and its effect on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome

Keywords: Legumes, metabolic syndrome, dietary fiber, starch, polyphenols, lectins, protease inhibitors


Legumes are a group of seeds of the most relevant botanical family due to their nutritional content and the bioavailability of some bioactive compounds. A bibliographic review was carried out in the Pubmed, Scielo and Medline databases, which included articles between 2016 and 2022, under the key terms "legumes", "metabolic syndrome", "dietary fiber", "starch", "lectins" and "protease inhibitors". Studies that concluded a beneficial association between legume consumption and metabolic syndrome were included. Among the results, the consumption of legumes stands out, providing different bioactive compounds that provide benefits for the prevention of metabolic syndrome such as body weight reduction, increased satiety, glycemic control, blood pressure regulation, activation of signaling pathways and apoptosis. As a conclusion of this review, it is highlighted that there is a positive relationship between the consumption of legumes and the prevention and/or treatment of the metabolic syndrome, but that more studies are required in the human part, as well as in the thermal treatments to avoid the elimination of the compound. bioactive.


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How to Cite
Quintero-Fernández , M. G., Alanís-García, E., Ortega-Ariza, J. A., & Ramírez-Moreno, E. (2022). The consumption of legumes and its effect on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 11(21), 139-149.

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