Technological capital and academic performance in migrant university students of educational modality due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Keywords: Technological capital, academic performance, university students, COVID-19


This research aimed to identify the level of technological capital of university students and its relationship with academic performance before and during the migration of educational modality due to confinement in the COVID-19 pandemic. Technological capital refers to the knowledge related to ICT and how these are put into play to favor or not the formation of the student body. Academic performance was considered as the measure of the skills, abilities and knowledge built in the training spaces. During the migration of the educational modality, technological capital played a determining role in student performance, specifically it was thought that there is a directly proportional relationship, that is: the greater the technological capital, the better the academic performance and vice versa. From techniques and instruments of the quantitative methodology, basic and inferential statistics, the questionnaire as a technique and the instrument Technological capital and academic performance, which showed reliability, the established objective was fulfilled. It is necessary to mention that the instrument was subjected to the Kuder Richardson test, what was obtained allows us to indicate that it is reliable. The results indicate that most of the participants have a medium level of said capital. In addition, it was found that the level of technological capital was in correspondence with the academic performance of the students during the migration of educational modality, because those who showed greater capital were those who registered more cases of increase in academic performance, in In contrast, those with a lower level were the ones that least increased their performance.


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How to Cite
Cajigal Molina, E., Herrera Sánchez, S. del C., Salinas Padilla, H. A., & Díaz Perera, J. J. (2023). Technological capital and academic performance in migrant university students of educational modality due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 10(20), 1-12.

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