Review of the current state of passive fire protection systems and their impact in the Cuauhtémoc town hall, Mexico City

Keywords: passive, fire, protection, regulations, ppci


During a fire, the integrity of structures can be compromised due to the temperature increases, which can lead to collapse. In Mexico, a legal loophole does not require construction workers to use passive fire protection effectively. Likewise, there needs to be more awareness of the benefits of using adequate materials with fire safety standards. This paper mentions the principles of PPCI, the current regulations, and their limitations. The impact of the lack of implementation in buildings in the Cuauhtémoc delegation, Mexico City, was analyzed. It was observed that the buildings that suffered fire damage correspond mainly to concrete, steel, and wood constructions, belonging to type 3 classification according to Standard 220 of the National Fire Protection Association (Asociación Nacional de Protección contra el Fuego). Using materials with low thermal conductivity was proposed as an alternative solution to reduce the risks of not adapting the buildings to the PPCI.



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How to Cite
González-Sáenz, D. M., VOLPI, V., Serralde-Lealba, J. R., Bigurra-Alzati, C. A., Juárez-Sedano, A. D., & Sánchez-Roldán, M. E. (2023). Review of the current state of passive fire protection systems and their impact in the Cuauhtémoc town hall, Mexico City. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial3), 174-181.
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