Artisanal paper from S. Californicus from Lake of Tecocomulco and its biodegradability study

Keywords: Tule, cellulose, paper, artisanal


This document establishes the importance of paper in our daily life and its environmental and social impact caused by its production. It is also addressed the characterization of cellulose from S. californicus or tule, an invasive plant that, due to the surplus of nutrients provided by natural and anthropogenic running off waters, it grows up in excess and covers a large percentage of the lake of Tecocomulco; which is why its use has been raised as raw material for the making of artisanal paper, whose biodegradability essay in a digester confirm that it is possible to use it as a sustainable alternative, involving important benefits such as combating eutrophication of the lake and promoting the economy of the region through its elaboration. 


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How to Cite
Hernández-Hernández, R. N., Osti-Castill, M. del R., Vázquez-García, R. Ángeles, Imbert-Palafox, J. L., & Villagomez-Ibarra, J. R. (2021). Artisanal paper from S. Californicus from Lake of Tecocomulco and its biodegradability study. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 9(Especial2), 162-167.

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