Towards the Balance Sheet according to the Financial Reporting Standards

  • Martha Jiménez Alvarado Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Cynthia Gabriela Meléndez Cruz Licenciatura en Contaduría, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Económico Administrativas
Keywords: Balance Sheet, Financial Reporting Standards, Bulletin B-6


The purpose of this work is to support those involved in the generation of financial statements and in particular those who prepare the Balance Sheet, with the identification of the Financial Information Standards in force that must be apply during the elaboration of the financial statement. It seeks to contribute mainly to the work that is done systematically within the professional offices of public accounting, since it has been identified that even a large number of them continue to present their financial statements with greater adherence to generally accepted accounting principles than to the Financial Reporting Standards.


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Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos. Nuevo Laredo. (2017). ¿Qué son las Normas de Información Financiera? Recuperado en:

Horngren, Ch. et al. (2003). Contabilidad. Un enfoque aplicado a México. 5ta Edición de Editorial Pearson Educación, México.

CINIF. (2014). Norma de Información Financiera B-6. Estado de Situación financiera. Recuperado de:

I.M.C.P. (2016). Normas de Información Financiera. CINIF, México

How to Cite
Alvarado, M. J., & Meléndez Cruz, C. G. (2020). Towards the Balance Sheet according to the Financial Reporting Standards. Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 8(16), 37-41.