Recovery of Business Tourism after covid-19

Keywords: Bussiness tourism, MICE, recovery


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the most affected tourism segments was meetings tourism, also known as MICE: Meetings Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions. That is why Hosteltur magazine has conducted a study on this segment with the purpose of presenting the strategies that several experts of this type of tourism have developed to recover quickly and to be located with excellent expectations, benefiting the receiving destinations; as well as to continue spreading the knowledge, innovation and creativity of the productive sectors through meeting tourism.


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Hosteltur (2022). El turismo de congresos y eventos regresa con fuerza. Edición Especial de MICE & Bussiness. Madrid. Recuperado el 11 de septiembre 2022 de

UNWTO (2021). World Tourism Organization. Recuperado el 11 septiembre 2022, de

How to Cite
Terrazas, A. R., & Testón Francob, N. (2022). Recovery of Business Tourism after covid-19 . Boletín Científico De Las Ciencias Económico Administrativas Del ICEA, 11(21), 70-72.