Cangandhos, Ídulos y San Juanes: un estudio antropológico de la deificación de piedras sagradas en una comunidad otomí

  • Luis Francisco Sánchez Fonseca Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Mesoamerican heritage. Spirits. Deification. Syncretism.


In the present research religious expressions with traditional Mesoamerican heritage are analyzed, which address a complex belief in deified human spirits called in different ways: Cangandhos, Ídulos or San Juanes. It is necessary to understand the syncretism that develops within the cult of these stones considered sacred, and the belief of the Otomi culture in the eternity of the soul and in a universe full of invisible beings that are much more powerful than man, as well as social rules governing their relationship. This analysis allows to glimpse that the study of religious manifestations, as well as the different therapeutic uses and propitiatory with these sacred stones are a sociocultural phenomenon that encapsulates multiple culture aspects of a society.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Fonseca, L. F. (2016). Cangandhos, Ídulos y San Juanes: un estudio antropológico de la deificación de piedras sagradas en una comunidad otomí. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 2(8).