Professional ethics at the university: Tensions in the development of an ethical-political individual

Keywords: Professional ethics, university, formation


Teaching professional ethics is part of the everyday actions and interactions of formal and informal institutions. The objective of this paper is to discuss the teaching process of professional ethics at the university; for that purpose, we propose some dilemmas, problems and questions to foster the debate. We base on two important assumptions: a) every educational action has a moral dimension and b) the teaching of ethics must be directed to the development of an ethical-political individual. We highlight the important of assuming this task with responsibility, choosing relevant contents, developing different and original strategies, and avoiding the routinization of teaching practices; above all, teachers must reflect on the different consequences of creating ethical-political subjects, who exercise their profession for the benefit of society.


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Author Biographies

Douglas A. Izarra Vielma, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador – Extensión San Cristóbal

Doctor in education from the Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (UPEL). Coordinator of the Academic Extension San Cristóbal of the UPEL. Research teaching ethics, training processes and teacher professional identity. Professor in the doctoral programs in Educational Sciences (UPEL) and visiting professor of the doctorate in Pedagogy (Universidad de Los Andes - Venezuela)

Cecilia Navia, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

PhD in Education Sciences at the University of Paris 3. She works at the National Pedagogical University (UPN) Unit – Ajusco, Mexico. He is a member of the National System of Researchers, Level 1, and investigates the training, ethics and professional identity of teachers and indigenous education. Teacher in Doctorate in Education, Master in Management of coexistence at school and Bachelor of Indigenous Education. Head of the UPN Doctorate in Education and Diversity.


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How to Cite
Izarra Vielma, D. A., & Navia, C. (2020). Professional ethics at the university: Tensions in the development of an ethical-political individual. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 8(16), 39-46.