Desing of digital teaching materials for the subject: Design the LAN network according to the conditions and requierements of the organization, in 5th semester of CBTIS 179 in Tulancingo, Hidalgo

Keywords: Digital didactic materials, Information and Communication Technologies, LAN Network, pedagogical intention


In this research, 27 digital teaching materials are designed with the use of Information and Communication Techonologies (ICT) which it is possible to produce media integrating text, image, áudio, animation, vídeo, recorded voice and software elements, store them on computer equipment or take them to the internet to be read form them oro n a mobile device.

The main tools used for the design of the digital teaching materials of the work are Calaméo, FlipSnack,, eXeLearning, VideoScribe and Mindomo. For this, the technical characteristics and the pedagogical intention that aloow it is application in the subject are considered: Design the LAN Network in accordance with the Conditionas and Requirements in the Organization that is taught in the 5th Semester of CBTIS 179 in Tulancingo, Hidalgo.

The fundamental conclusions obtained show that with the use of digital didactic materials designed for the subject under study, a series of tasks are offered that can be used to guide the student in their independente work, as well as with the support of these they can be exercised contents, which due to their interactive nature, facilitate the development of intelectual activities of observation, interpretation, comparison, schematization, critical, flexible, reflective thinking and displaying imagination, fantasy and creativity in what is done.



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How to Cite
Bolaños Rodríguez, E., Vega Cano, G. Y., & Lezama León, E. (2021). Desing of digital teaching materials for the subject: Design the LAN network according to the conditions and requierements of the organization, in 5th semester of CBTIS 179 in Tulancingo, Hidalgo. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 6(12), 50-56.

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