Mobile application for the management of online orders for digital printing services, to increase the demand of the company during the confinement by covid-19

Keywords: covid-19, mobile application, printing online services


The COVID-19 pandemic has not only brought problems, such as the disappearance of small businesses and the loss of employment; in some cases, it has been the opportunity they have been waiting for so long to grow or implement improvements. Throughout the pandemic, greater adaptability has been noted to face problems in what refers to a business, a clear example is the use of means such as mobile applications, web pages or social networks for the sale and purchase of products or otherwise advertise your business. The printing industry, for example, has had a great impact with the measures taken to avoid contagion, since having companies promoting teleworking and schools implementing remote work, printing could decrease, however, this type of service currently continues having demand. This article shows the development of a mobile application that covers the sales needs of a company that offers digital printing services, in order to serve the market, taking appropriate distancing measures and avoiding infections in these times. The Scrum methodology is applied following the systems life cycle model, presenting from analysis to implementation and testing. The results obtained show that, with the new way of working derived from the confinement by Covid-19, more opportunities have been generated for the management of digital printing services.


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How to Cite
Zúñiga Vázquez, D. O., Acuña Galván, I., Lezama León, E., Bolaños Rodríguez, E., Galindo, A. E. S., & Vega Cano, G. Y. (2022). Mobile application for the management of online orders for digital printing services, to increase the demand of the company during the confinement by covid-19. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 7(14), 31-35.

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