Leisure preferences and use of free time of consumers in the pandemic and post-pandemic period

Keywords: Leisure, Free time, Dumazedier, Consumer, Pandemic


In this research, a comparison was made between the activities dedicated to leisure during the pandemic and post-pandemic to diagnose the preferences of leisure consumers based on Dumazedier's theory, with four items that generalize the types of leisure. The results describe the behavior of consumers and their management of free time. The factors highlighted during the post-pandemic period were physical and social leisure activities, mainly physical activities; Regarding the use of aesthetic time, personal care and sleeping were preferred with greater emphasis in the post-pandemic period; only two to three people carry out crafts and, finally, regarding intellectual leisure, the preference for listening to music and reading is exhibited and, to a lesser preference, they refer to cultural visits and arts. An important factor to highlight was employment, since during the pandemic and post-pandemic no alteration was generated, resulting in employment being exercised in the same way during these two periods. Finally, a negative circumstance to exercise leisure was the lack of time and the physical and mental exhaustion of the respondents


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Author Biographies

Illeana Alesandra Ceja Roldán, Autonomous University of Hidalgo State


Adriana Guadalupe Villalobos Sánchez, Autonomous University of Hidalgo State


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How to Cite
Coronado Meneses, M., Arreola Rojas, C. Y., Ceja Roldán, I. A., Fragoso Manzo, D. L., Navarro Gálvez, M., & Villalobos Sánchez, A. G. (2022). Leisure preferences and use of free time of consumers in the pandemic and post-pandemic period. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 8(Especial), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.29057/est.v8iEspecial.9915

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