Material design and its considerations

Keywords: evaluation, languages, materials, piloting, process


Teacher’s role is a very broad discipline because they manage different functions like planning classes, evaluating, selecting activities and materials. In terms of materials, teachers are skillful for searching, adapting, and creating suitable material for their group or course. Although students’ needs, and characteristics vary in every course. This research brings up the questions: what is the material development process followed by language teachers? and what considerations arise from it? These questions, a study was conducted at the Centro de Idiomas Región Coatzacoalcos-Minatitlán at Universidad Veracruzana. Considering those issues, it was analyzed the following: materials, reasons for developing materials and the process of material development. The instruments used in this research were an electronic questionnaire for teachers and an interview guide for those teachers who had the experience in developing materials.

The results obtained with the data analysis helped to identify the different stages that the teachers applied according to their experiences and teaching context. Moreover, it was found that evaluation is a stage without being exploited by the teachers and it also The results obtained with the data analysis helped to identify the different stages that these teachers applied according to their experiences and teaching context. In addition, it was found that evaluation is a stage without being applied by the teachers.


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How to Cite
Yépez, J., Marín Sánchez, C. I., & Haaz Zetina, J. A. (2021). Material design and its considerations. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 2(4), 56-63.