Analysis of vibration mechanics for parallel helicoidal springs with the Octave software

Keywords: MAS, Spring, Behavior, Parallel, Octave


A spring is a mechanical element that has the ability to accumulate mechanical energy to release it with the goal to exert force, provide flexibility or reduce mechanical vibrations.  Within the field of engineering, there is a need to analyze the behavior of simple harmonic motion (MAS), as well as the development of viable tools to improve the teaching-learning process in this subject. For this reason, this work aims to develop a code in the Octave software that allows analyzing the behavior of a parallel mass-spring system. The code is based on input conditions such as: mass, gravity acceleration, time, as well as values of the stiffness constants that the user can select according to each proposed configuration and as result, the graphs of the equations of position, velocity and acceleration are provided for each case.



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How to Cite
Rodríguez Muñoz, J. L., González Beltrán, S. I., Muñoz Hernández, C. D., Pacheco Cedeño, J. S., & Borja Soto, C. E. (2023). Analysis of vibration mechanics for parallel helicoidal springs with the Octave software . Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 10(20), 56-65.

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