The Emotiv Epoc+ headset and the facial expressions

  • Jorge Gudiño Lau Universidad de Colima
  • Luis Cordova-Alvarez University of Colima
  • Daniel Vélez-Díaz Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo
  • Janeth Alcalá-Rodríguez University of Colima
  • Saida Charre-Ibarra University of Colima
  • Dayanna Guzmán-Moya University of Colima
Keywords: synapsis, electroencephalogram, brain-computer interface, brain signals, interface


In this article is described the state of the art that shows the different advances of the investigations of the distincts electroencephalogram (EEG) emission wireless devices. Also is showed a prototype software that interprets the brain signals coming from the Emotiv Epoc+ headset, this process is also called Brain Computer Interface (BCI) and solves the identify EGG signals problem. The software is designed in Matlab and Simulink that interprets the brain signals, this signals can be saved or manipulated at live. The software turns the brain signals in to a voltage to manipulate external manipulators devices. Actually this work is in the experimentation on human beings stage and is applied the no invasive acquisition of signals method. Some of the experimental achievements of the Emotiv Epoc+ headset. In this article are showed the signals emitted by the headset by using the facial expressions like blink, squeeze the jaw, frown and wink. It’s hoped that this work can help people without movement in their bodies and can’t talk to manipulate objects and interpret through they facial expressions with the headset.


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How to Cite
Lau, J. G., Cordova-Alvarez, L., Vélez-Díaz, D., Alcalá-Rodríguez, J., Charre-Ibarra, S., & Guzmán-Moya, D. (2019). The Emotiv Epoc+ headset and the facial expressions. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 7(14), 1-10.

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